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7 signs that it was time to go to the dentist

1 - Alteration in the gums: when there is some type of alteration in the soft tissue, either pain or change of color or bleeding are signs that is giving a periodontal disease: gingivitis and in the case that is more severe one periodontitis.
2 - Bad breath, halitosis: about 50% of the population has suffered at some point. And although it is not at all worrying at all, if given repeatedly, it is a sign that something is happening in the oral cavity. The most common causes are periodontal diseases, low salivary level and abundant tartar.
3 - Mills of judgment: wisdom teeth are the last teeth to come out and usually happens in adolescence. They are the third molars to erupt, and they do on each side of the jaw, although for many people these molars may be impacted in the bone, that is why they present symptoms of pain, irritation, inflammation even bad breath.
4 - Dental pain due to caries: if there is presence of dental pain can be an indicator of the presence of cavities or some infection.
5 - Alteration of the temporomandibular joint: this joint connects the jaw to the skull, if the joint is not in good condition can develop a disorder in the same joint. The symptoms are usually: pain below the ear area, sounds when opening the mouth, pain in the muscles surrounding the joint.
6 - Sensitivity to heat or cold: if you are experiencing an increase in sensitivity to heat and cold, tooth decay is a good possibility. When tooth decay first appears, it affects the surface of the teeth. As the condition progresses it makes its way to the center of the tooth where the nerves and blood vessels are. This is when you begin to experience pain in response to hot and cold temperatures.
7 - Hide your smile: whether you feel inhibited because you lack a tooth, or if you want a more intense smile.