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Only 34% of Spaniards maintain a daily interdental hygiene routine

Only 34% of Spaniards maintain a daily interdental hygiene routine

Much of the population thinks that brushing your teeth twice a day is enough to maintain good oral hygiene. However, neither the manual nor the electric toothbrush are capable of reaching the bacteria that accumulate between one tooth and another. That is why it is so important to perform interdental hygiene, at least at night.

The spaces between one tooth and another accumulate a third of all the bacterial plaque, hence the importance of eliminating it. Otherwise, bacteria will accumulate in these areas, which can cause tooth decay and gingival inflammation. In addition, gingivitis can evolve into a more serious pathology (periodontitis), with loss of the bone that surrounds the root. Likewise, the accumulation of bacteria and food debris is also responsible for a large part of the cases of bad breath (halitosis).

To clean well between the teeth there are two options: dental floss or interdental brush. Studies show that dental floss removes 73% of dental plaque, while interdental brush removes 93%. But using one or the other depends on whether there is enough space between the teeth to be able to insert the interdental brush, so the dentist will indicate which method is the most appropriate for each person and will give instructions to use it properly.

Dr. Óscar Castro Reino, president of the General Council of Dentists of Spain, explains that "the plaque removed by silk or the interdental brush contains more than 300 bacterial species, that is why it is so important to eliminate it. If we do not carry out this interdental hygiene, We will leave 35% of the surface of the teeth unclean, so these bacteria will pass into the bloodstream and increase cardiovascular risk. Despite its relevance to health, only 34% of Spaniards perform interdental hygiene on a daily basis , so it is necessary to insist and educate the population so that they assume it as one more routine ".