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5 tips to overcome fear of the dentist

The fear of going to the dentist usually arises after a bad experience or a fear derived from other people's experiences

Today we tell you tips to avoid that fear that can trigger problems in our oral health

1 Tell us about your concerns. We can offer you an explanation of your diagnosis and treatment and solve all your doubts

2 Make your appointment at a time that allows you to get rid of it as soon as possible, so you will avoid turning it around during the day

3 In the waiting room, keep your mind busy with music, reading, games or consulting your mobile. Distract yourself and avoid tension

4 You rule. Agree on a gesture with the partner who is treating you if you notice pain or feel insecure. We will avoid sudden movements and we will have time to relax again

5 Use relaxation techniques. Slow, deep breathing, mental exercises, anything that helps you relax We take care of you! Don't be afraid of us.

Talk to us and we will solve all your doubts so that you can go to your next appointment with complete peace of mind.