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Oral health and sport

Oral health and sport
Few people know that poor oral health has consequences on the results of athletes.

Similarly, certain habits and risk sharing of athletes have an influence on their oral health. It is important to know this pairing in order to prevent oral health problems in athletes, both with an oral impact and with an impact on sports performance.

The improper practice of sport can cause fractures, both dental and maxillary. The abuse of energy drinks, rich in sugars and acids, can cause erosion of the enamel and facilitate the appearance of cavities. Physical effort causes dry mouth. Finally, and as examples, certain athletes tend to be "dental clenchers" with the subsequent risk of fractures and occlusion problems, which is why oral health is so important in athletes.

On the other hand, inadequate oral health carries risks for the athlete: a malocclusion may be the origin of certain postural problems that affect sports performance; certain tendinitis and myalgias have their origin in oral infections; a retained wisdom tooth can cause a mandibular fracture in some contact sports.

For all these reasons, it is essential that anyone who practices sports continuously visits their dentist periodically to ensure that their oral and dental health is healthy.