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Fruit teas can harm your teeth

Fruit teas are very popular and there is something for everyone. With varied flavors and combinations, they are very pleasant to the palate, without doubts and have become one of the drinks that are hot or cold, at any time of the day. We have always been told that they are healthier and this helped their widespread dissemination and acceptance. However, new research reveals that whoever consumes it may have problems with his teeth.
Scientists from King's College London, England, conducted a study to determine why some people suffer from tooth erosion and others do not.
They took as a basis an investigation led by the Guy's Hospital of the same city, in which a study had been made that analyzed the diet of some 300 people with severe problems of dental wear and a similar group in quantity but without this pathology. On that occasion, they observed a difference in the feeding behavior of both groups.
In their own study, the King's College team discovered that eating and drinking acidic foods between meals increases the risk of this type of erosion; and those who tend to drink acidic drinks such as water with lemon or hot fruit teas, increase the possibility of suffering a severe dental wear, by 11%.
However, they also managed to determine that the risk is reduced by half when these drinks are consumed with meals because during chewing, more saliva is produced, which is alkaline and counteracts the acidic effect of these liquids.
In addition, the investigation yielded a list of foods and customs that are potentially erosive:
- Sugar-free beverages are as erosive as those with this sweetener.
- Draining, keeping, fiddling with acidic drinks inside the mouth allows its sour components to work on the surface of the tooth.
- If the drinks are taken hot this increases its acidic action.
- Vinegar and the famous and tasty pickles can also cause tooth erosion.