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The General Council of Dentists denounces the risks of directly selling splints to patients to treat bruxism

The General Council of Dentists denounces the risks of directly selling splints to patients to treat bruxism
The General Council of Dentists of Spain has denounced to the AEMPS the palpable risks of the direct sale to the patient of discharge splints to treat bruxism without prior diagnosis or supervision of a dentist, urging the agency to review the origin of authorize dental splints as mass-produced health products and, where appropriate, take the appropriate measures to prohibit their direct marketing to patients.

“Bruxism is an insidious pathology that affects the patient's quality of life and requires a diagnosis and individualized treatment that can only be carried out by a highly qualified professional such as the dentist,” explains the president of the General Council, Dr. Óscar Castro, who has reported that the sale of this material is not only done online through well-known sales platforms, but is also available in orthopedic supply stores, pharmacies or pharmacy distributors.

In this regard, Dr. Castro has specified that an incorrect design or adjustment of a splint of these characteristics can lead to problems as serious as a dislocation of the articular disc that results in a limitation of mouth opening, severe injuries to the mucosal tissue or chronic pain in the temporomandibular joint (TMJ).

These arguments have been endorsed by the Spanish Society of Craniomandibular Dysfunction and Orofacial Pain (SEDCYDO), which has prepared a manifesto in which it specifies that a splint always causes changes in the TMJ and requires an “extremely precise” adjustment that can only lead to out a dentist. For this reason, they consider it “absolutely inexcusable” that relief splints to treat bruxism are indicated, located and adjusted in the mouth only by a registered dentist or stomatologist.

“The AMPS and the Ministry of Health have to give a forceful response to this issue because it is not acceptable for any citizen to have access to this type of products that should only be prescribed by a doctor. This opens the door not only to suffering health problems, but also to deception and misunderstanding because many of the people who purchase these splints do not know the risks," concluded the president of the dentists.