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Eight million Spanish adults have some type of periodontal disease

Eight million Spanish adults have some type of periodontal disease
Periodontal disease is a chronic pathology, which can lead to the affectation of the gums and the bone that supports the teeth. There are two types of periodontal diseases: gingivitis and periodontitis. In our country, 8 million adults, one in three, have some form of periodontal disease.

The president of the General Council of Dentists, Dr. Óscar Castro Reino, explains that “periodontal lesions are caused by the accumulation of bacteria that cause changes in the periodontium. If they are not treated, these ailments progress progressively, being able to cause tooth loss and various conditions in our body.

In Spain, 8 million adults have this disease, of which 2 million have severe periodontitis. In addition, 33% of older adults have severe tooth loss and 11% are edentulous. Worldwide, 750 million people have severe periodontal disease.

Types of periodontal disease

Gingivitis: It is caused by the accumulation of bacterial plaque that, if not removed correctly, can turn into tartar, causing irritation and inflammation of the gums, until it becomes periodontitis.Periodontitis: in this case it is an irreversible disease that affects 10% of the world population, according to the World Health Organization. This pathology is characterized by the structural loss of the insertion apparatus and is one of the main reasons for tooth loss in adults.

Periodontal disease can be avoided by taking into account a series of preventive measures:

Tobacco is the main risk factor, since it affects the prevalence and progression of periodontitis and interferes with tissue healing. In addition, it can cause the progression of a reversible gingivitis lesion to severe periodontitis.Having a healthy lifestyle, through a healthy diet, exercise and avoiding the consumption of alcohol and other substances, will prevent the onset of this disease.

Another reason why periodontal disease appears is genetic predisposition. Genotype plays an important role in susceptibility to periodontitis.Following inadequate oral hygiene is another of the most important risk factors. Dental crowding and other dental malposition problems can make it difficult to perform a complete daily oral cleaning, causing a high risk of suffering from this type of pathology.

Following inadequate oral hygiene is another of the most important risk factors. Dental crowding and other dental malposition problems can make it difficult to perform a complete daily oral cleaning, causing a high risk of suffering from this type of pathology.

Dr. Castro points out that "periodontal disease is closely related to general health, so it is essential to educate the population to maintain a healthy lifestyle, maintain good oral hygiene, avoid tobacco and alcohol consumption, and make regular visits to the dentist. The dentist can detect this disease in its early stages, avoiding the progression from a mild phase to severe forms of periodontitis”.